Wednesday, August 3, 2011

It was fun while it lasted...

Dear Marble Manicure,
It was fun while it lasted but I think its best if we go our separate ways. I usually go for a more traditional manicure, something like a french tip or a light pink; And sure, you'll find me with the occasional glitter nail but flashy nails are really not my thing. When I saw you I knew I had to try you out and after a few messy attempts I got it down. Now that I have perfected my water marbling technique however, it is time for me to give you up. Thats not to say I wont come back some day.... but for now I've had enough.
                Love, Branden

How to:

1.Gather materials- Nail polish(at least 2 colors), a bottle of room temperature water, 1 small cup, 1 sewing needle, and tape.
2.Fill your cup with the bottled water
3.Tape around your nail; All four sides as if you are taping off a wall before painting. This will stop the polish from getting on your skin and save you a huge mess.
4. Drip your nail polishes into the water one color after the other making at least 3 rings of color. (blue polish, pink polish, blue polish.)
5.Take your needle and slowly and gently mix the colors into a design that you like.
6.Find your favrotie design, aim for it, and dunk! Press the top of your nail to the polish design and submerge your nail under the water.
7. Clean the polish film off the top of the water with your needle. (while still holding your finger in the polish. Do not rub your nail on the bottom of the cup.)
8.Pull your finger out of the water and remove the tape(careful not to let the tape rub up against the wet polish.)
9. Wait for the polish to dry.
10. APPLY TOP COAT! (The most important part to any manicure!)

For a more detailed "how to" watch this video... Please excuse the dull, monotone vlogger.

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